A singleplayer modification for Half-Life 1 that myself and a friend worked on together throughout our time at secondary school and college. We decided it would never get finished when we started university but that hasn't stopped my friend from going through the motions of converting it to Half-Life 2 so we can finally release...

The story was a continuation of the original Half-Life, where Gordon Freeman after being hired by the G-man had been dumped into a maximum security institute never to see the light of day again. That’s until he's rescued by an unknown corporation and is assigned unwillingly to help them out.

This became a vast series of levels where I believe I began to hone my skills for making levels that were both aesthetically pleasing but also interesting and unique to play, there were many puzzles and fun combat set pieces as well as many scripted events that were really pushing Half-Life 1 to its limits! This is also probably the very first instance where I was making textures from scratch. Sure they were only signs and simple trims but it was a start.

Ultimately it was all bit too grand for just two students to finish in all its glory.  we'd been going for 5 or 6 years! At last count we had 20 levels finished or closed to and a huge amount of plans to make more. I still believe these are some of my most accomplished singleplayer level designs and I'm sad it never saw public release in its original form for Half-Life 1.